Magee Ranch Homeowners Association

Community News

Recent News

October 2024 Mini-News #2- Fall Reseeding

With the hot temperatures we had this summer, many lawns in the community have a few stress spots or areas from animal damage that could use some attention. Overseeding bare areas of a lawn can help improve the grass coverage and create a healthier, more vibrant yard. Here are some simple step-by-step instructions that you can follow to help re-seed your lawn.


Now is the best time for overseeding! Typically early fall and early spring have the best weather - mild temperatures and before frost begins to form in the mornings. Get started on this outdoor project over the next couple of weekends and enjoy the beautiful fall weather the Bay Area provides.


Re-seeding for All:

1. Prepare the Bare Areas - Rake the soil: remove dead grass, debris, and thatch (the layer of organic material that builds up on the soil) to expose the bare soil.

Loosen the soil: lightly till or rake the soil to loosen it up. You can also add a thin layer of topsoil or compost to improve soil quality.

2. Select the Right Seed - Choose a grass seed that matches the existing lawn and is suitable for your climate. Many brands have a seed mix designed for overseeding bare spots that come pre-mixed with top soil as well.

3. Spread the Seed - Hand-spread or use a spreader: Evenly distribute the seed over the bare areas using a handheld spreader or by hand for smaller patches. Follow the recommendations on the seed package for the amount of seed needed per square foot or per 1,000 square feet. Avoid spreading the seed too densely, as it may lead to overcrowding.

4. Cover the Seed - Lightly rake the area to ensure the seeds make contact with the soil, but avoid burying them too deep. Apply a thin layer (1/4 inch) of compost or soil to help retain moisture and protect the seeds from wind, birds, and washing away during rain.

5. Water the Seed - Water thoroughly immediately after spreading the seed to moisten the soil. Keep the soil consistently moist during the germination process by watering lightly but frequently (2–3 times a day) until the seedlings are established. Avoid over-watering to prevent seed rot.

Once the grass starts to grow, reduce watering to deeper, less frequent sessions to encourage strong root development.

6. Avoid Heavy Traffic (a tough task in the Bay Area) - Try to minimize foot traffic on the re-seeded areas to give the new grass time to establish without being compacted.

7. Mow the Lawn Carefully - Wait until the new grass is around 3-4 inches tall before mowing.

8. Enjoy! - Continue watering the lawn as needed and follow a regular mowing and fertilization schedule to maintain the health of the new grass. Watch for any signs of weeds or diseases, and address them promptly with appropriate lawn care products.


We appreciate all you do to maintain your yard and help keep our community looking grand!

Management on behalf of

The Board of Directors

Magee Ranch


October 2024 Mini-News - Town Noise Ordinance

A number of Town Noise ordinance violations have been noted recently in the community, mostly by landscapers turning on that noisy equipment before 8:00 am. Even the Association's landscaper has been guilty of this and Management has sent reminders to them to delay any power equipment work until after 8:00 am.


We understand, with the rolling hills close by it can sometimes be easy to forget we live in a residential subdivision. But we do, so please remember the Town Noise Ordinance when scheduling your gardener’s hours, playing music outdoors or leaving your pets outside.


Town Noise Ordinance:

It is unlawful to use a speaker audible at 50 feet distance between 10:00 pm – 8:00 am.

It is unlawful to create construction noise from 7:00 pm – 7:30 am Monday through Friday and between 7:00 pm – 9:00 am Saturday and Sunday.

It is unlawful to operate machinery… lawn mower, or leaf blower … between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8:00 am.


We love the community we live in and appreciate the work that homeowners and their vendors put in to keep the yards nice, but please work with your landscapers or construction crews to follow the noise ordinance and hold off on loud activities until 9:00 am on the weekends.


We also understand occasional celebrations and special events may extend beyond these hours. We ask that you still be cognizant of nearby neighbors and do your best to move things indoors or turn music down after 10:00 pm.


September 2024 Mini-News - Tree Trimming

At the last Board meeting, the Board approved the tree trimming of the pear trees in common area and landscape easements along Magee Ranch Road. They also approved a secondary round of trimming for the pears along Blackhawk Road and Brooktree Drive. Pears are known for having weak limb attachments and brittle wood, which we’ve seen recently with some limb failures. The trimming includes crown cleaning and end weight reduction with the goal of reducing failures and improving the health of the trees. The selected trees were evaluated by a certified arborist, Tree West, and they will be trimmed according to the arborist’s recommendations.


The tree trimming will take place:

Date(s): Tuesday, October 1st   

Through Monday, October 7th


Thank you for your understanding during this project.



Adopted Enforcement Policy and Schedule of Fines

At a meeting held on September 4, 2024 Association's Board of Directors adopted the Enforcement Policy and Schedule of Fines posted on the website on July 15, 2024. Please contact the Community Manager, Stacey Lint, at or 925-830-4848 if you would like a hard copy. A soft copy is available under the Documents tab.


E-Scooters and E-Bikes - The Talk of the Town!

The Danville Town Council, Danville Police Department, San Ramon Valley School Distrit and Magee Ranch have been abuzz with talk about motorized scooters and bikes, colloquially called e-scooters and e-bikes. At the June 18th Town Council Meeting, Police Chief Shields presented his quarterly report to the Town Council on policing activities in the Town. In it he submitted a detailed breakdown of the different types of e-bikes and rules that apply to each. These distinctions are important and excerpted below, but we encourage homeowners to review the DPD Report linked below, also shared in video and infographic form.  


Please see the below links for a wealth of information!

Link: Danville Police Department Quarterly Report on Town Issues and Crime.

Link: Chief Shields addresses rules regarding e-scooters and e-bikes.

Link: SRVUSD infographic on specific rules for different classes of e-scooters and e-bikes.


This feels like an apt time to also discuss the street use of golf carts in Magee Ranch which are seen on occassion heading to and from neighbors houses and Blackhawk Country Club. According to Vehicle Code sections 345, 21115, 21115,1 and 21716, in order to use golf carts on roads, they must be Registered with the DMV, carry no more than 2 persons, including the driver, have at least three wheels in contact with the ground, and more. Such vehicles are intended to be restricted to 15 mph. We urge drivers to be conscious of their surroundings and practice safe and defensive driving habits for their own safety and that of those around them.


Gingrich Horticulture Discusses Vole Activity

A homeowner shared with us communication recieved from Gingrich Horticulture regarding treatment for Voles in backyards. As many homeowners have noted, we are seeing massive increases in pest activity this year - voles, rodents, ground squirrels, and moles have all been reported with frequency over the last few weeks.


"So we wanted to pass along some signs to look out for so that you can identify what is on your property and also explain a bit more about pest control services!

Voles, like gophers, are herbivores so they are going after plant material on our properties. They will often take over old gopher/mole tunnel systems but instead of leaving pushed up mounds of dirt they will leave small open holes that are flush to the ground like this:

You will also typically see trails or patches of dead grass near these holes in the lawn. While it's not common you will sometimes see them running along the ground as well. They look similar to mice but with shorter tails.

Unfortunately these critters tend to live in groups so we have found that trapping is not an effective means of control so the only service we offer is a baiting service (meaning that poison is used). We offer this service as part of our ongoing Gopher, Mole, and Vole Control program but if you are not on that we also offer it as a one time service.

During this service we will place the bait very carefully in any active vole holes. As the voles consume the bait they will begin to feel unwell and pass away within their underground tunnels and nests. 

The bait we use for this service is called Wilco Zinc Phosphide. It is deactivated by water so we ask that you not water* the treated areas for 3 days to allow the voles to have enough time to consume the bait. We also recommend keeping any pets away from the treated area or on a leash while the bait is active as some pets can be attracted to the bait.

*We understand that we are having a hot summer as well but we recommend leaving your water off in the treated areas for as along as you are able to but we can always come back and re-treat if you need to water sooner than the 3 day window. If you are on program we can do this as many times as needed while the one time service is guaranteed for 2 weeks from the initial treatment date."


GHAD Board Members Needed

The Magee Ranch GHAD is looking to hold formal elections in line with this years election cycle as administrated by the County Registrar of Voters. The GHAD Board will have 5 open seats and is looking for Magee Ranch homeowners who are interested in volunteering time to help manage and make decisions for the GHAD.


The GHAD has hired ENGEO as GHAD Manager. ENGEO manages more than 15 GHADs throughout the state of California, so the Board will be guided by an expert in the field and be able to follow the recommendations of an industry leader when determining the best course of action for Magee Ranch. 


During the first term on the GHAD Board, the Board members will be responsible for appointing a treasurer to manage funds for the GHAD and a Clerk to manage minutes, meetings, and records of the GHAD. GHAD Board responsibility will also include making decisions about annual hillside monitoring, needed maintenance to retention basins, storm drains, rock walls, and other hillside assets, and hillside inspection during heavy rainfall events. All this will be done with the guidance of ENGEO to determine what is typical, necessary, or optional.


No direct experience is needed, but is certainly a benefit. Please reach out to Management if you're interested in joining or learning more. 





Recent News Cont..

Town of Danville Noise Ordinance

With the rolling hills close by, it can sometimes be easy to forget we live in a residential subdivision. But we do, so please remember the Town Noise Ordinance when scheduling your gardener’s hours, playing music outdoors, or leaving your pets outside.


Town Ordinance:

It is unlawful to use a speaker audible at 50 feet distance between 10:00 pm – 8:00 am.

It is unlawful to create construction noise from 7:00 pm – 7:30 am Monday through Friday and between 7:00 pm – 9:00 am Saturday and Sunday.  

It is unlawful to operate machinery… lawn mower, or leaf blower … between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8:00 am.


We love the community we live in and appreciate the work that homeowners and their vendors put in to keep the yards nice, but please work with your landscapers or construction crews to follow the noise ordinance and hold off on loud activities until 8:00am on weekdays and ideally 9:00 am on the weekends.


We also understand occasional celebrations and special events may extend beyond these hours. We ask that you still be cognizant of nearby neighbors and do your best to move things indoors or turn music down after 10:00 pm - or invite your neighbors!

Archived Newsletters

September 2024

Topics: Meeting Highlights, Police Town Hall Meeting, GHAD Board Member Request, CC&R Feedback, V-Ditch Cleaning and Landscape Maintenance Reminders


Mini-News August 2024

The GHAD Board of Directors election is being managed by ENGEO and the County Registrar of Voters. Once candidate forms and statements are available, we will share them with you. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to Management with questions or to express interest in serving our community in this way.


June 2024

Topics: Updates on recent HOA Board meetings, parking reminders, street sweeping reminders, safety reminders, and a plea to you all to consider volunteering to serve on our GHAD. There is also a short rundown of what the GHAD does and what Board members would need to do.


March 2024

Topics: Meeting Highlights, Tree Maintenance, GHAD Board Member Request, CC&R Feedback, V-Ditch Cleaning Reminders


January 2024

Topics: Meeting Highlights, Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers, Landscaping


November 2023

Topics: Emergency Assessment FAQ2, SBA Loan Reasoning, Littering, Parking Reminders, Board Candidate Request, etc. 


September 2023

Topics: New Management, New Architectural Contact, New Website, Parking, Hillside Updates, Mulch and Landscaping, etc.


July 2023

Topics: Hillside Repairs, Dog Attacks, GHAD Update, Howe Management Goodbye, etc.


April 2023

Topics: Email, Website Coming Soon, CC&R Revision, V-Ditch Reminders, Landscape Reminders, etc.


January 2023

Topics: 2022 Election Results, Website Coming Soon, V-Ditch Reminders, Parking Reminders, Pet Reminders, etc.